Chloe – What we need from Corporate Parents
Chloe tells us what she, and other Care Experienced people, need from Corporate Parents.
Chloe tells us what she, and other Care Experienced people, need from Corporate Parents.
Gary talks about how his personal needs weren’t picked up on when he was in school.
David tells us the impact multiple placement moves had on him.
In this video David explains that being Care Experienced caused difficulties in him receiving urgent medical care.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents across Scotland. This round up features Police Scotland and SAAS.
Meet Sam. This video shows what it can feel like going into care. It is a composite story of experiences…
June 2020 Newsletter which updates Corporate Parents on The Training and Education team’s work and upcoming opportunities.
A Who Cares? Scotland summary paper on the impact of Covid19 on the Care Experienced community for Corporate Parents.
Who Cares? Scotland newsletter for Corporate Parents.