A lifetime of equality, respect and love for care experienced people

Contact the Helpline

0330 107 7540

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Who Cares? Scotland supports care experienced people to have their voice heard and we make that happen in a number of ways.

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Upcoming Events & Opportunities

29 January - 31 March

Want to help our Education and Engagement team from home? This volunteer opportunity is perfect for those looking to volunteer remotely, have the chance to access opportunities and gain more third sector experience.

29 January - 31 March
  City of Edinburgh

We are looking for volunteers who have access to their own car and can help to enhance our Care Experienced members experience of attending our regular groups and events in Edinburgh by providing transport.

  All ages

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Donate now

If you believe Care Experienced people deserve a lifetime of equality, respect and love, then please donate and support our work.

Every pound you give helps us support more people who have care experience.

Make a one-off donation

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Make a monthly donation

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.
