Barbells and Bargains as PureGym Lifts Up Care Experienced People
Britain’s largest gym chain, PureGym, has partnered with Who Cares? Scotland, to offer our members an exclusive 50% discount on monthly memberships plus no joining fee.
This care may have been provided in many different settings, such as:
Living with a relative who is not your mum or dad
With the help of social work
Living in a residential home or school
living with foster carers
Living in a secure accommodation
Living with adoptive parents
Let our members tell you why the different elements of the vision are important to them:
Former Member of Scottish Parliament,
Aileen Campbell reflects on Care Day 2016.
Glasgow City Chambers have lit up their building using the Who Cares? Scotland tartan to mark Care Day 2016.
Former Director of Influencing, Claudia MacDonald reflects on WC?S’s relationship with the Scottish Government in 2016.
Watch this video to find out what our logo stands for.
Through relationship-based, Independent Advocacy, we support Care Experienced people of all ages to have their rights met.
By listening to what Care Experienced people tell us, we further develop our evidence-base which supports our asks of decision makers with the ability to bring about positive change.
In bringing Care Experienced people together, we create spaces for fun, friendship and belonging, as well as opportunities to engage with influencing opportunities.
Through our membership offer which promotes a positive sense of care identity, we provide additional opportunities and build an engaged community of Care Experienced people.
By delivering our work in communities across Scotland, we create care aware communities which can support everyone to thrive.
Who Cares? Scotland is a membership organisation with over 3,700 Care Experienced members, of all ages and experiences, from all over Scotland. Our members are at the front and centre of our work and ensuring they feel well represented, valued and connected is of the utmost importance and key to our participation and influencing work.
We strive to provide advocacy that helps young people feel respected, included, listened to and understood. We’re independent to any care services a young person receives – this is crucial because we want young people to be supported and understood with no conflict of interest. We've also set up The Helpline to support Care Experienced people by providing lifelong advocacy throughout Scotland. We can support, signpost and offer choice when you feel there is nowhere else to turn.
We understand the importance of connecting with people who have similar or shared experiences, which is why we support and resource safe and valued local, regional and national spaces, bringing members together to build peer relationships, explore their identities and shape the world around them. We offer a wide range of groups, activities and events for Care Experienced people across Scotland.
We support and empower individuals to develop as representatives who can speak on behalf of our membership. We gather members together, invest in them, and support them to elevate their collective voice. Our members help to shape and inform Who Cares? Scotland’s decision-making processes as well as having the aspiration to positively change Scottish culture to ensure a better future for Care Experienced people
Britain’s largest gym chain, PureGym, has partnered with Who Cares? Scotland, to offer our members an exclusive 50% discount on monthly memberships plus no joining fee.
To mark the 10 year anniversary of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act, Who Cares? Scotland hosted our first ever Corporate Parenting Awards. We presented 14 awards to winners, carefully selected for their commitment and dedication to Corporate Parenting.
Our member, Leah has been taking in the buzz of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Read her review of Scaffolding – an immersive play that unpacks the beauty of being misunderstood.
As part of Sport Scotland’s themed month of Care Experience and Sport, one of our members, Lisa Mason has written about her love of sport and how football gave her a consistent outlet where she felt safe and like she belonged. #TimeToCare
Edinburgh becomes the stage for the biggest arts and culture festival in the world for the whole of August. We’ve highlighted a few shows that touch upon the theme of care experience and might be of interest.
On Tuesday the 16th of July 2024 the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act came into effect in Scottish Law. To find out what this means for Care Experienced children and young people, Megan from our Policy Team has summarised the key points.
To mark the 10-year anniversary of the Children and Young People (Scotland) 2014 Act, Who Cares? Scotland are hosting our first ever Corporate Parenting Awards event. Our judging panel has shortlisted the nominees.
Members Ryan and Kirsty tell us about their night at the 2024 Carelidh to celebrate Care Day.
The Who Cares? Scotland Policy Team has read all the main Scottish Political Parties’ Manifestos and pulled out the important information that affects the Care Experienced community. Have a read to help you make this important decision and go out and vote!
Milo writes about their emotional journey to come to terms with their identity as a disabled, LGBTQ+ person with care experience growing up in a religious household.
Read about the progress we’ve made towards our 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan.
As part of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, we have released the first in a series of research papers, to show that Care Experienced people currently do not have the same life outcomes as their non-Care Experienced peers. This paper focuses on one of the most commonly raised issues for 16+ Care Experienced people contacting us for advocacy: support with housing.