Our Response To Coronavirus Delay Phase

Details of our actions to support Care Experienced members affected by the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Organisations have been asked to think about what they can do differently to help with the delay of the Coronavirus. With that in mind, and after speaking to Care Experienced people, we’re going to take some actions.

Like everyone else, Care Experienced people are studying, working and travelling. The main challenge that we think Care Experienced people will face is that lots of the current guidance encourages people to rely on family networks to stay healthy and safe. Simply put, many Care Experienced people can’t do that.

We’re especially concerned about Care Experienced people with children, who may find themselves with no good options as guidance changes and if public services become stretched; Care Experienced people with underlying health challenges who may not know where to seek out specific clinical guidance; and Care Experienced people who are in precarious or uncertain work who risk having no income at short notice.

On Monday, we’ll begin rolling out the resources and support that we are developing.

What we’ve come up with is not our regular work and it isn’t funded. With the help of our staff team, we will be able to do some of this. Without public support, however, we won’t be able to achieve everything that we want to do.

In fact, we’re anticipating that some of the events and moments that we depend on for fundraising throughout the year will be impacted by the developing precautions. This could make continuing to do what we do difficult. We’re going to try.

Some of the things that we want to do, and that we think could be useful are:

  • Offer regular phone calls to Care Experienced people who are self-isolating or considering what is best to do.
  • Provide mobile phone top ups so that those without data or the internet at home can stay connected.
  • Help with shopping, especially for people who can’t leave the house and don’t have the money for a delivery.
  • Create a page on our website with specific guidance and signposting to help Care Experienced people stay safe.
  • Offer advice sessions to Care Experienced people who need support to maximise their income through welfare.
  • Post relevant information out, to all of our members aged 16+, to let them know about what action we have taken.

We will develop and refine this plan as time goes on. Where resources mean that we can’t offer the kind of help we would like to, we’ll make sure people are supported to access and maximise support from the Government and other sources.

  • £10 will help us top up someone’s phone
  • £30 will help us keep in regular contact and offer support to someone
  • £50 will help us provide food and essentials for those who may be struggling
  • £90 will help us do all of the above for someone.

If you want to help us, you can CLICK HERE