Top Stories
- Academics have called for a “pause for thought” after a report found that about 1 in every 100 children born in Scotland goes into care before their first birthday –
- The number of fostering places available is falling despite an increasing number of enquiries to become a carer –

Here’s your news from across the UK:
- A Care Experienced person has shared their story on becoming a foster parent –
- A Director of Children’s Services in the North East of England has said the care review doesn’t do enough to address poverty –
- Research has found that Black and Asian children are less likely to receive legal orders during care proceedings than white or mixed-race children –
- An opinion piece by Jon Molyneux where he discusses the underfunding of foster care in Glasgow under the SNP government. –
- Shona Robinson, the Deputy First Minister, has said the plans for the National Care Service face ‘inevitable’ changes –
- A Care Experienced person from Cambridge has spoken to council leaders about her experience and how they can better support Care Experienced people –
- For Foster Care Fortnight, four Care Experienced people have shared how their foster carers helped ‘unlock their potential’ –
- Researchers at Lancaster University have found that deprived areas are linked to higher numbers of children in care proceedings –
- A piece about how long waits for secure care are harming children –
- A foster carer gives her opinion on the new report that says 1 in 100 babies are entering the care system –
- A private children’s home provider criticised for uprooting more than 60 vulnerable children, with some transferred from south-east England, to Scotland – .

Here’s your news from the rest of the world:
- Bryant Doradea — an advocate, rapper, and spoken word artist — performed his ‘Foster Kid Survival Guide’ for government ministers last week in Canada –
- For Foster Care Awareness Month in America, Ebony has featured three Black-led organisations which are helping Black Care Experienced people –
- Two lawsuits have been filed against New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services. They are accusing the agency of discriminating against parents of colour in its child removal decisions –
- A Care Experienced man is dedicated to adopting children who are at risk of ‘aging out of the system’ –
- A mother in New York is suing the Child Protection Service after her newborn was removed from her shortly after birth because she smoked marijuana which has been made legal in the State of New York –
- A Cincinnati news source says there needs to be a radical overhaul of the child welfare system in the US –
- The new sitcom Aunty B’s House for preschoolers teaches kids about foster care. The show marks an important step in representing different families on screen, its creators say. –