At the beginning of the project, we created our own definition of what ‘Digital Wellbeing’ meant to us:
Digital wellbeing means being able to reach your full potential by having your rights upheld, and a sense of belonging, empowerment, freedom and feeling loved. It describes how digital media can improve people’s mental, physical, social and emotional health. Understanding and removing barriers to accessing technology is key to digital wellbeing.
We then completed a skills audit to identify training needs of the group. There was a good base level of skills in Microsoft suite, a good knowledge of digital rights and some members were interested in research. However, the group wanted to gain confidence in public speaking, graphic design skills and facilitation. These became a focus when offering upskilling sessions. Since the beginning of the project, the group have completed training on research, digital rights, social mediand design skills.
Once the group had completed training on research, we did a scoping exercise to decide how we wanted to gather information from the Care Experienced community about digital wellbeing. They chose to do a survey as it was something they all enjoy doing and felt it would be the most accessible option for people.
Once we established our method, we identified what themes we wanted the survey to focus on through a series of interactive activities. They picked online safety, digital rights, and online relationships.
At the beginning of April, we launched our Digital Wellbeing survey which received 92 responses. From our findings we created a toolkit of resources that includes a report, podcast, reflective videos, blogs, a relationship mapping tool, and a storybook about rights.
The following resources were developed as part of the wider engagement with 154 members. They cover online safety, digital rights and online relationships.
Check out our resources...
Click the images to view.

Dave the Digisaur Storybook
A children’s book that educates children and adults about children’s digital rights and their importance.

Keeping Connected - Relationship Mapping Tool
Designed to help professionals ensure Care Experienced children are supported to maintain relationships online.

Digital Wellbeing Poem
A poem by a member of the Digital Wellbeing group on what Digital Wellbeing means to him.

Helpful Links Flyer
Signposting flyer that includes links and support for online safety, digital rights, and other helpful links.

Digital Wellbeing Podcast with Susan
This podcast goes through online safety, relationships and digital rights.

Megan's Reflection Video
Megan, a core member of the Digital Wellbeing group explains what being involved in the project has been like for her.

What Does Digital Wellbeing Mean to Me? Video
Megan a core member of the group explaining what digital wellbeing means to her.

Reflective Blog by Megan
Megan, a core member of the Digital Wellbeing group explains what being involved in the project has been like for her.

Reflective Blog by Bob
Bob, a core member of the Digital Wellbeing group explains what being involved in the project has been like for him.

Digital Wellbeing Report
This report documents our analysis of the care community’s lived experience and views on online safety, digital rights, and relationships online.
If you require any of these resources in an alternative format, please contact: You can read more about the project here and find out how it is part of our wider Annual Participation Programme here.
Look out for relevant Corporate Training events on this topic here.
Thanks to Nominet Social Impact for funding the project and Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh, from the University of Edinburgh, for all her support and guidance.