A Care Day Poem by Charles McFarlane

Congratulations to Charles McFarlane for his winning poem about Care Day. Charles performed the poem to an audience of over 200 people in Edinburgh at the 2023 Carelidh.

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What really is care?

Is there anyone who really knows?

It’s different for so many people, and through our experience it really shows.


Some people never know that care is where they’re at.

Some people need it bad even when they’re chucked into their own flat.

I don’t think there’s a single answer that could cover all of care, but I know of some things I’ve learned that I would like to share.


You are never alone when you have lived the lives that we’ve been through

Because together we learn it’s about more than me and you

There are people who are lost alone without support,

Stuck in care somewhere trying to hold down the fort.


We must continue to be a community and help one another,

To help influence change and support those who suffer.

Care should be happy, full of support and love

Like the changes we have made with a push and a shove.


We share our love and knowledge to help all those around us,

And on Care Day we can celebrate and enjoy all the buzz.


So be proud of yourselves and what you’ve achieved,

You’re all strong individuals whose love we’ve received

We are a community together, forever and loved

And being in care is something to be proud of.