Chief Executive Officer & Senior Management Team
Louise Hunter is our Chief Executive and is supported by 4 Directors.
Denny Ford
Director of Advocacy & Participation
Fiona Donaldson
Director of Finance
Kay McKerrell
Director of Advocacy & Participation
Kenny Murray
Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Engagement & Influence
Louise Hunter
Chief Executive
Advocacy & Participation
Abigail Pass
Angus Advocacy & Participation Worker
Ashley Donaldson
Advocacy & Participation Worker North East
Beth Simpson
Advocacy & Participation Worker (Senior Practitioner) West Dunbartonshire
Brenda Ann Murphy
North Lanarkshire APW
Carolelynne Cameron
Lifelong Advocate
Caroline Breen
Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Caroline Ironside
Communities that Care Development Officer
Caroline Richardson
Lanarkshire Advocacy and Participation Manager
Claire Campbell
Lifelong Advocate
Denise McMillan
East Ayrshire Advocacy & Participation Coordinator
Denny Ford
Director of Advocacy & Participation
Donald Walker
Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Elle Scott
North Lanarkshire APW
Ellie Barrow
Edinburgh & Harmeny Advocacy & Participation Worker (Mat Leave)
Ewan Duthie
Advocacy & Participation Worker North East (Peripatetic)
Ewen Kerr
South Lanarkshire Advocacy
Fiona Simpson
Glasgow Advocacy & Participation Worker
Heather Nailard
Argyle & Bute Advocacy & Participation Worker
Jacqueline McLachlan
North Lanarkshire APW
James Cameron
Jamie McAnally
Advocacy & Participation Manager, West Central
Jane Donaldson
North East Advocacy & Participation Manager
Jantine van Loon
Advocacy and Participation Worker Highland
Jemma Kane
Kibble Advocacy & Participation Coordinator
Jessica Varney
Rossie Advocacy & Participation Worker
Joanne Hunter
Clackmannanshire Communities that Care Development Officer
Johanna Kaz
Advocacy and Participation Worker Stirling & Seamab
Jordan Croan
Advocacy & Participation Manager, South East
Josh Gilbert
Advocacy & Participation Worker Edinburgh & Scottish Borders
Karen Monkman
Advocacy & Participation Worker Orkney
Kay McKerrell
Director of Advocacy & Participation
Keira Kerracher
Edinburgh and Sycamore Advocacy & Participation Worker
Keith Ward
Development Officer – South East (Champions Board/Communities that Care)
Kerry Connor
North Lanarkshire APW
Kieran Platts
Edinburgh Development Officer
Kim Campbell
Glasgow Advocacy & Participation Worker
Kymberly Laing
Dundee Participation Assistant
Laura Campbell
North Lanarkshire CB Development Officer
Leanne Murdoch
Advocacy & Participation Manager, North
Lindsay Cook
East Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Lisa Allan
North Lanarkshire APW (Maternity Leave)
Lisa Fleming
Advocacy & Participation Worker Midlothian
Louise Murdoch
South Lanarkshire Advocacy
and Participation Worker
Lynne Morris
North Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Lynne Williamson
Aberdeenshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Mags Corr
North Lanarkshire APW
Mary Bateman
Stirling Advocacy & Participation Worker
Michelle McAtear
South Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Morag Cantwell
Advocacy & Participation Coordinator and Clackmannanshire Advocacy Worker
Natasha Laing
Angus Participation Assistant
Nicole Isherwood
Participation Assistant – East Lothian Champions Board
Pamela Hynes
Argyll & Bute & Crossreach Advocacy & Participation Worker
Paul Lamont
Dundee Advocacy & Participation Worker
Rachel Outram
Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Ray Maclean
North Lanarkshire Advocacy Coordinator
Russell Stewart
Advocacy and Participation worker (North Lanarkshire)
Sarah Herbert
East Dunbartonshire & Kibble Advocacy & Participation Worker
Sharon Berrie
Advocacy & Participation Manager, South West
Sherril Wright
Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
(Maternity Cover)
Sheryl Kay
South Ayrshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
Sophie Edwards
Advocacy and Participation Worker West (Peripatetic)
Sophie Morris
East Lothian Advocacy & Participation Worker
Sorcha Tams
Falkirk and Good Shepherd Centre Advocacy & Participation Worker
Participation & Membership
Corran Russell
South West
Development Officer
Julie MacTaggart
Membership & Participation Manager
Geraldine Whitson
Volunteer Development Officer (Mat Leave)
Thomas Breckney
Volunteer Development Officer
Yvonne Atkins
Volunteer Manger
Kenny Murray
Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Engagement & Influence
Chloe Dobson
Education and Engagement Manager (Maternity Leave)
Donna Nicholas
Evidence & Impact Manager
Laura Pasternak
Policy & Public Affairs Manager (Maternity Leave)
Katie MacMillan
Communications and Events Manager
Susan Robertson
Events & Communications Officer
Melissa Weir
Campaigns Coordinator
Ross Thomson
Evidence & Impact
Emma Brannigan McQueen
Education and Engagement Officer
Jen Flynn
Digital Education and Engagement Officer
Lynsey Carey
Education & Engagement Manager (Maternity Cover)
Megan Moffat
Policy Officer (Human Rights)
Lydia McDonald
Evidence & Impact Officer
Megan McClellan
Policy & Public Affairs Officer
Dionne Harty
Education and Engagement Officer
Sara Maxwell
Evidence & Impact Officer
Robert Foster
Policy & Public Affairs Manager (Maternity Cover)
Fundraising & Communities that Care
Damien Mack
Fundraising & Partnership Officer
Laurie Goldie
Project Manager: Creating Communities that Care
Lucy Christopher
Fundraising & Partnerships Manager
Terri Young
Communities that Care Coordinator
Zoey Hillman
Communities that Care Development Officer
Finance, HR & Business Support
Carly Telford
Doreen Dow
Finance Officer
Fiona Donaldson
Director of Finance
Gordon Myers
Finance Manager
Isabel Alexander
HR & Workforce Development Support Officer
Lisa Moore
Executive Support Officer
Louise Ferguson
HR & Workforce Development Manager
Staff stories
Introducing Haus of Seisay
Same-sex interracial couple, Tony and Thomas Seisay have created a unique charity to teach young Care Experienced people the art of hairdressing. Susie, from the Comms Team visited the salon to meet Thomas, have her hair done, and learn all about this exciting charity.
New Fundraising Manager #SteppingUp for Care Experienced People
Our new Fundraising and Partnerships Manager Lucy writes about her plans to take on the Edinburgh Kiltwalk.
Louise Hunter Looks Back at 2022
Louise Hunter, Chief Executive, reflects on a busy year at Who Cares? Scotland.
Catch up with Louise
Thomas and Marissa, WC?S members and members of the National Representative Body (NRB), caught up with our Chief Executive, Louise Hunter, in March 2022 to find out what she’d been up to.
Connecting Scotland
The power of connection has never been more imperative to our community. Read how Jemma Kerr and Connecting Scotland teamed up to support Care Experienced people.
Claudia Macdonald Leaves Who Cares? Scotland After 9 Years
Who Cares? Scotland Director of Influencing, Claudia Macdonald, has announced that she will be leaving the charity after nine years.
New Podcast Launched (Press release)
What do this comedian, wrestling champion and Member of Parliament all have in common?
Jamie Kinlochan awarded British Empire Medal in New Year Honours List
Who Cares? Scotland’s Public Affairs Manager, Jamie Kinlochan, will receive a British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours List 2021.
Helping In Any Way That I Can
Jemma writes about her experiences on the Who Cares? Scotland COVID support helpline.
Care Experience & The Poverty Trap: My Story
Kenny Murray writes about his personal experiences of Care Experience and Poverty
From Belfast to Bathgate; Care Experienced young people are the change.
Former WC?S Policy Assistant, Lynzy Hanvidge talks about going to Nothern Ireland to attend a political hustings as part of a Care Experienced panel.
Blog: I’m influencing change where it matters.
Dionne Mcnicol talks about what it is like to be a Care Experienced member of staff at Who Cares? Scotland.